
Swift 5.7 references for busy coders


Comments are used to include nonexecutable code in text, such as notes and reminders.

Simple comment

// This is a simple comment.

Multiline comment

A multiline comment can be started with /* and ended with */.

/* This is a comment written 
over a whole big long
bunch of lines. */

Special comment syntax

Xcode recognizes special comment syntax and can display these comments in a file’s quick-jump dropdown bar.


MARK can be used to display a comment in the bar:

// MARK: View Set Up

A dash (-) can be added to display a line above the comment:

// MARK: - View Set Up

A bar without a comment can be added with a simple dash:

// MARK: -


TODO is used to display a reminder of something that needs to be done:

// TODO: Update logic to accommodate data changes.


FIXME is used to display a reminder of something that needs to be fixed:

// FIXME: Fix glitchy behavior when making changes to an existing entry.