
Swift 5.7 references for busy coders


Swift contains three main number types: Int, Double, and Float.

Integers (Int)

By default, numbers without fractional components are inferred to be Ints:

let myNumber = 5 // Inferred to be of type Int

Ints cannot have decimal values:

let myNumber: Int = 5.75 // ❌ error: cannot convert value of type 'Double' to specified type 'Int'

Arithmetic can be performed on integers, but decimal values will be ignored and rounded down.

print(20 / 3)   // 6 (not ~6.666666667)
print(9 / 4)    // 2 (not 2.25)
print(100 / 99) // 1 (not ~1.01010101)

Doubles (Double)

Doubles are floating-point numbers that are represented as 64-bits. They are similar to Floats. By default, numbers with fractional components are usually inferred to be Doubles:

let myNumber = 5.0

Arithmetic can be performed on Doubles and is more accurate than arithmetic on Ints:

print(20.0 / 3.0)   // 6.666666666666667
print(9.0 / 4.0)    // 2.25
print(100.0 / 99.0) // 1.0101010101010102

Floats (Float)

Floats are floating-point numbers that are represented as 32-bits. They are similar to Doubles, but they take up less space and are less precise.

let myNumber: Float = 5.0

Converting between Int, Float, and Double

A Double can be converted to a Float, but precision may be lost:

let myDouble: Double = 834.4938247489
let myFloat = Float(myDouble)
print(myFloat) // 834.49384

A Float or Double can be converted to an Int but the fractional component is rounded down:

let myFloat = 9.999
let myInt = Int(myFloat)
print(myInt) // 9

An Int can be converted to a Float or Double:

let myInt = 5
print(Float(myInt))  // 5.0
print(Double(myInt)) // 5.0